Thursday, December 31, 2009

Why hello, blog world!

It's been awhile! Glad to be back! Now, I know some of you are thinking, this is a brand new blog, what do you mean you're glad to be back? Well, this is not my first blog. *gasp* I know. Anyway, I am very excited to have a blog again! And what better way to start the new year than with a stream-lined personal cyberspace and a new blog!

Ok, so real quick for anyone who might stumble upon this that needs it, here's a quick introduction. I'm 23, happily married for a year and a half now, working part-time as a substitute, and praying for a full-time job ASAP! We are currently living with my parents, which is a unique adventure (in a good way!). Hubby is going to seminary and looking for a church to get involved with, as well as working part-time. We are very busy people. On the rare occasion I have free time, I like to blog (duh!), scrapbook, play around with photography (always open to tips) both film and digital, read, and cross-stitch. We are very big into music; one of the perils of marrying a music guy, I guess! But overall, we are healthy and happy, and although we are verging on broke at the moment, I am thankful for the good in our lives. Hubby and I have one cat, Twila, who is absolutely crazy, but that's why we love her! She's also earning the nickname "Devil Cat" here at my parents' because she growls and hisses at their two cats (Pebbles and Larry) like you would not believe!

I know I had thought of a lot of other things to say, but they've all escaped me at the moment. So, I'll end by saying, I'm really looking forward to 2010. (Just FYI, that's two thousand ten in my world.) We haven't necessarily had a bad year. I mean, sure the apartment we moved into in April leaked and was growing mold and we had to fight out of the lease. Sure, I still don't have a classroom. Sure, money has been tight, but it has for everyone. We definitely have had some low points. But on the other side, we did get out of the lease and avoided the health and safety dangers. We are saving money now, even if it is very gradually. We are safe and healthy. And we've gotten to spend a lot of time with our families. All that to say, 2009 has been decent. It's had its ups and downs. But I am looking forward to a new year. Because I have a feeling it can't get much farther down.

So, welcome to my blog. I don't really have a specific plan for it yet, other than an outlet for all my crazy thoughts and experiences. Maybe I'll add some ideas I find while crafting or things like that, or even things I find teaching. Basically just a catch-all for the million and one things that go through my head on a daily basis. That's all for tonight, I think! Thanks for reading! Happy New Year!