Friday, December 24, 2010

Merry Christmas!

From the whole Henderson family! :)

Tuesday, December 21, 2010

How lame am I?

And before any of you wise-crackers even start, that question is rhetorical. I am well aware who reads my blog and I don't want to see any comments that answer that literally, thanks.

So, yes I do realize it has been since July 31st since I've posted a blog. But I have a whole list of really good reasons why. First, we moved. Then I was waiting to see how things were going after the move to write about. Then my laptop died. Then we thought James' laptop died, but after a brief rest, it came back to the land of almost fully functioning electronics. Then it was Halloween, and when you work at Party City that keeps you pretty busy (especially if that's not your only job). Then I was subbing a lot, which is fantastic, but exhausting. And now, it's Christmas. All of that to say, I kinda miss the blog. And I've been mulling over some things to post about the last few days. But today is not that day.

I spent the morning making a trip to the grocery store (which I normally hate doing the week of Christmas, but it was not as bad as I feared) and making candy for the in-laws. I'm about to go have lunch/dinner with my husband on his two hour break from his crazy split shift at work today. After that, I plan on making cookies. I also have to make a chocolate pie, cheese spread, deviled eggs, and after Christmas, birthday cakes. Maybe sometime between all the cooking, family time, and fun festivities I can spend some time blogging. If not, though, I'll catch you after Christmas.

Merry Christmas, everyone!