Thursday, February 17, 2011


I have a full-time job!!!!! Teaching!!! WOOOOOHHOOOOOOOO!!!

That is all. :)

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Go Big or Go Home

Ok, I have been waiting and waiting to post this blog, and I am so excited to finally be writing it! Most of you may remember a former post of mine, Babies everywhere! Well, this time around I decided to take on something just a little bit bigger. Back in September, I found out that my friend Holly was going to use a Mario Brothers theme for their nursery. Of course, the first thing that went through my head was "What am I going to make them?" But the second thing that went through my head is that it has to have Mario, because it will be so hard to find stuff to buy that has Mario! So I of course started scouring the Internet for cross-stitch patterns involving Mario Brothers. And amazingly, there are quite a few out there, but none that really just jumped out at me. So I went to Hobby Lobby to look at my options for material, and noticed the afghans. Well that was all it took for my imagination to take off. I immediately pictured a character per square, and figured I could piece together enough of the patterns I had found to fill up the blanket.So I got busy sketching patterns, and soon realized that there weren't enough cross-stitch patterns. However, I found that there are a ton of images of perler bead art that pop up on Google images when you search for cross-stitch. Turns out those little circles that are the beads translate perfectly into the little squares for cross-stitch. So I ended up with a ton of choices. :)
And then I got busy stitching. And stitching. And more stitching. This was by far the biggest project I have ever taken on. But, go big or go home, right? I knew that it would be worth it because the more I read Holly's blog and saw that in fact very few gifts were showing up that went with their Mario theme, the more I knew that this blanket would be special to Holly, Cole, and little Max. The whole reason I make gifts for friends is because I think they deserve something that is special, homemade, and has some thought behind it. Sure, it's easy to run out the week before the shower and grab something off the registry. Sure, they'll be glad to get something they picked out. But a baby can always use a bib, or a blanket. I just feel like people have moved away from thinking about their gifts and I like to bring that old-fashioned aspect back. Plus, there's never any chance that they'll get two of my gift. ;)So was I stressed and panicked Saturday morning as I hurriedly put the last few stitches in the blanket the day of the shower? You bet. Was my grandma, who helped me attach some fleece to the back at literally the last minute, just a little bit frustrated with me? Oh, I'm sure, and I'll be taking her to dinner sometime to make up for it. Was I just a tad bit overwhelmed that it took a lot longer than I expected, especially considering I had been working since September? Most definitely. But, was it all worth it in the end when Holly opened the gift? No question. No doubt at all in my mind that every last bit of it was totally worth it. I have a feeling my "little" hobby of making baby bibs for friends' babies may have just evolved into something a bit larger. But I have no doubt that bringing such happiness to a mom to help welcome a little one is something I will continue to enjoy and honestly is one of my absolute favorite things to do. :-D