Saturday, March 9, 2019

All Roads Lead Somewhere.....

It seems we have found ourselves once again in a season of questions.  This happens every few years or so.  In fact, without going back to check, I'd wager that about half my posts on this blog have been written in such a season.  I guess somehow I hope that by writing it out, it will make more sense.  Doesn't usually work, but I generally feel better after.

So in an effort to get my mind to be able to focus on anything else I should be doing (cleaning the house, laundry, laminating centers, and so on), let's see how this goes.

As some of you know, the company my husband works for has announced they'll be closing some of their stores.  So far, 8 in his district with another round coming next week.  Which makes the biggest question right now, will we have a job or a severance package by summer?  Not a fun place to be.

However, he has taken that news and decided to put a proactive spin on it.  He's currently (and fairly aggressively) seeking a job in a semi-new field, as well as taking an online course to prepare for any offer he may receive.  Which leads to another question: will we end up with a new job in a new location?  Or will this job search be longer than we think?

Both of these major questions about his career obviously play in to mine.  I had to sign my contract this week.  The school year is quickly coming to an end.  Plus, the plan was to improve my own education/certification in the near future.  But now that's in question as well because I can't really start anything until we know if he has a job, which job it will be, and if we end up having to move.  So how do I help, or can I even help, with our finances?  Do I need to pack for the summer or a storage unit?  Do I research certification in other states or is it even worth it yet?

All this to say, if we seem distracted or confused, we have good reason.  And if we can't commit to something or seem hesitant to make plans, don't take it personally.  Because most likely the conversation has led to a hundred different "what ifs" swirling inside.  And the truth is, we just don't know.  But we've been here before and it all led to good.  So while it's not easy, and I won't claim I'm doing a great job at it, we are putting our trust in God because He has always put us where we need to be.  This season will pass and we will settle again.  This road will lead somewhere, and I have to believe it will be for good.  In the meantime though, it's all a question.

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