Monday, February 1, 2010

Did you miss me?

I think my computer is working well enough to call of the hiatus. I hope I'm not jinxing myself saying that. I've had this issue with this laptop before and was told the problem was the actual cord itself, so we bought a new one directly from Dell. However, now that it's repeating itself, I'm wondering how accurate a diagnosis that really was. So, we'll see how it goes.

Anyway, I don't really have time for a real entry at the moment, as I'm trying to knock some emails off my to-do list. They're kind of important, dealing with my grad school application. So, if I finish I might come back. But bedtime has to be early tonight because I actually have a sub job in the morning. I know, shocking. But it's true. Cross your fingers that someone will call me with an interview offer for all the part-time jobs I've been applying for. That's kind of how my luck works so I'm hoping since I won't be able to answer my phone it'll be the day someone chooses to call.

Until I get to actually blog, I'll share a picture. I made this clipboard anticipating having a classroom. It's in storage right now, since that hasn't actually happened. But I'm pretty proud of it and hoping I get to use it soon.

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