Friday, February 12, 2010

What's that flaky white stuff falling from the sky?

As a great herald to the beginning of the Winter Olympics, we got about a foot of snow yesterday here in little 'ol Texas. Don't believe me? I figured you might not, so I have proof!!
It was awesome! I have seriously missed real snow since leaving Pennsylvania. I know to a lot of people that deal with it on a fairly consistent basis, that statement may not make much sense. But to me it's a really big deal. When we moved to Pennsylvania when I was ten, I had a lot of firsts. Among them were things like hearing new accents, trying new foods, losing Dr. Pepper, learning new words, experiencing trees change color for fall, and of course SNOW! For five years, I experienced so much that I never imagined was out there and I grew so much being plucked out of my all Texas culture! I really don't think my life would have been the same without those five years out of Texas. Not that we're oblivious to the outside world, we just prefer ours. But living in Pennsylvania, I didn't have the option to prefer my Texas ways, and being forced out of my comfort zone turned out to be really good for me. And since coming back to Texas, there are a lot of things about Pennsylvania that I miss that to most people would probably seem insignificant. And I don't mean the people I met, that's a whole different conversation! I mean things like driving through a tunnel of fall-colored leaves in Valley Forge, building a snow fort with mom's Tupperware, chasing Daisy over the ice because her electric fence stopped working, playing outside all summer when everyone else thought it was hot, walking to the milk store, and having things like hoagies and pierogies on the school lunch menu. So to me it just feels kind of magical to have something from that period of my childhood show up here in Texas. It doesn't happen often, especially on a scale like yesterday's snow. But when it does, it brings back so many happy memories of things I just don't get here. And I like a little magic now and then.

Like the Olympics. Talk about some magic. I am a HUGE fan of the Olympics, so for the next three weeks (I believe) you'll probably be getting a lot of that from me! It is just so cool to me that everybody around the world can put all differences aside and just come together for such a magical experience. I have always loved watching it. Some of you may call me a dork, but that's ok, I've heard it from my family quite a bit, so I'm not offended! I just love it! I'm watching the Opening Ceremonies as I type this blog actually, and I must say I am really enjoying it!

That being said, I don't really feel it's appropriate to gush too much tonight in light of what happened today. If you are on my Facebook, or watched the news at all today, I'm sure you've seen the story of the tragic death of a luge athlete from the country of Georgia. There really isn't much to say except that tonight's dedication of the Ceremonies was very fitting, and that I'm very touched and proud of the rest of the Georgian contingent for staying in the Games and for all the athletes wearing arm bands in his honor. For tonight, as a fan of the Olympics and everything it stands for, I'd like to leave it at this. I was very sad to hear this news, as I'm sure all other athletes and fans were also. My thoughts and prayers for safety are with his family, his countrymen, his fellow athletes, especially those racing on the very track he crashed on, and all those involved in these Olympics. I'm sure they would appreciate your thoughts and prayers as well.

1 comment:

  1. I love the Olympics as well! However, it does make me procrastinate more! But it only happens once every two years! =)
