Saturday, March 27, 2010

Safe in Your plan....

So, while having a wonderful coffee date on Wednesday with my awesome friend, Caroline, I realized that maybe not all of you who follow (or read without following) my little blog here know what's going on in my life right now. It occurred to me after spending two hours (hours that flew by, I might add) catching up with her, that maybe not everyone pays attention when I update my Facebook status 60 times a week. Ok, so it's probably not 60. But you get the point. And maybe not everyone puts all the pieces together when they read a blog here or there, or a sentence long status every so often, or even the sporadic email or text. (By the way, that reminds me, I am sooo bad at email! Just FYI, I've been known to let emails sit in my inbox for weeks upon weeks without answering. If it's important, you really should text or Facebook me, because those I do answer. Don't ask me why, that's just how I operate! Has been since email was invented!) So, for those of you who may be feeling like you have no idea what I'm up to, and care to read the update, here goes. And I'll even categorize for you, because that's just how I like things.

For those of you who may have missed it, we are back in the DFW area. I spent almost three years in the Austin area finishing my degree. But now James is in Seminary here in Fort Worth, so I am back in DFW. Specifically, Haslet. We did spend roughly seven months in NRH in a ridiculous nightmare of an apartment, but since October we have been in Haslet. And I don't know if I've mentioned this before, but Haslet is out in the middle of absolutely nowhere! And I don't like it! I am not an out-in-the-country, smell-the-cows type of girl. I like to have civilization nearby. And by nearby I mean like less than half an hour. But I'm dealing with it. We are trying to save to buy a house. But that seems a long way off right now.

As mentioned, James is in Seminary. He is working on his master's. It seems hard. But he likes it. I am currently waiting to hear from TCU as to whether or not I am accepted, as well as whether or not I get a teaching assistant position. They are being very slow about answering these questions and it is driving me a little crazy. However, I do not know yet if I will be attending in the fall, because that decision depends on a whole bunch of things that are still up in the air right now. (I'm beginning to hate that phrase. It seems a lot of things in my life are "still up in the air.")

Yes, that does require a plural. Scary, huh? You have no idea. I am currently on sub lists for three school districts in the area. Which I'm sure to most of you sounds like more than enough work for one person. Not so much. I've had very few jobs, and there doesn't seem to be any increase in the number available. So while that sounds like it would keep me busy, it doesn't. I am also still looking for a full time teaching position, which could be a full time job in itself. I've been looking since last April, and no bites yet. It's getting really discouraging, but I'm not giving up. On top of all that, I'm also working part time nights and weekends at Payless. While I would love for my part time job to actually relate to my career field, that really hasn't worked out for me. I did at one point hold a position as a tutor, but that is a whole separate, less than fun story. So, basically, we needed to pay the bills and Payless was my only offer, so I took it. And it's working out.

When we moved to Haslet in October, we began attending services for a new campus/church plant project taking place here in Haslet. At the time, those interested were meeting at the current Keller location of FOTP. About three weeks ago now, we finally started meeting in Haslet as an official new campus of FOTP. And it has been really great. I actually have helped start a new church in the past, and I'm enjoying the experience this time just as much as I did last time. I have been waking up at 6:15 every Sunday to get down to the elementary school to help set up equipment at 7:00. I am not a morning person at all, but it's actually been fun. So, we spend two hours for set up and band rehearsal, then have a 9:00 service for all volunteers, and then a 10:30 service for everyone. It has been a blast the last two weeks seeing numbers grow already, and seeing things fall into place and click. This weekend will be the first advertised 10:30 service, and I am definitely excited to see how many people show up! Some of you probably got my Facebook invite. Don't worry, I won't be offended if you choose not to come check us out, but it was important to me to have the offer out there. This is really a nutshell of an update on this subject, so if you want more, ask me, I'd be happy to share. But it's really still in early stages, so this will do for now.

I think that's about it really. At least the big important stuff. I know I haven't been posting very consistently, but this brief update should kind of explain why. My life somehow is busy without feeling busy, so I tend to have a hard time making time to blog. But I plan to do better, really. In fact, I have in my head already that I want to blog about my cross-stitch again like I mentioned in the previous cross-stitch post. And who knows, maybe something actually exciting will happen in my life and I can write about that, too! Or if you have anything you think I should blog about, I'm open to suggestion! For tonight, I think I'm gonna get ready for bed, and then maybe try to talk James into watching an episode of Ghost Hunters with me so I can get through the DVD and we can send it back to get something else from Netflix!



  1. Glad to get a chance to read your update! It is hard to piece together people's lives sometimes! Hope you find out about TCU soon! I'll be praying for you!

  2. Thanks Holly! Glad you actually made it through the post, lol, I took some Benadryl right before I started, and when I re-read it later I realized I totally lost focus somewhere in there and it didn't go where I had planned. :)
