Friday, April 2, 2010

Babies everywhere!

Ok, so my last post was a little intense. But you have to understand, I've been sick this week, I work with people who seem to be using very few of their brain cells, I wasn't supposed to have worked that night and had to go in anyway, and especially the fact that people being stupid seemingly by choice is something that really annoys me. So, on to happier things!!

I think that my favorite cross-stitch projects are baby bibs. It is just so fun! I always start them with someone in mind. Now that's not to say plans don't change, but I do always have someone in mind when I start one. When I'm ahead, I usually start either a generic pattern, or both a girl and boy bib. Usually though, I know exactly who I'm going to give the bib to. I just love picturing a friends' baby wearing/using the bib I'm stitching for them! I think one of the other things that makes the bibs my favorite, is that they're so easy and fast. I can start and finish one quickly enough to give at baby showers (or whenever). I like to feel efficient and effective, and these projects are exactly that! I try to take a picture of every bib that I make. I say try because our digital camera is very old and finicky, so sometimes I have to actually use my film camera (*gasp* I know, so old school), so some of my pictures aren't currently developed or on the computer yet.

So of course, I always start with a blank slate. I actually prefer a white bib, because the colors look more vibrant on the white background, but I have done a few colored backgrounds like the one I have here. I also like to try to use a particular brand, because they make their bibs to where I can sew down the part I stitch on to cover the strings on the back so moms can wash them. That brand is harder to find, and does only come in white, so if I don't get my preferred brand, I put a piece of matching fabric over the back of the stitching to make it washable. The bibs and thread themselves are washable anyway, but I cover the back so moms don't have to worry about the strings coming loose.

These first several pictures are all from my first round of bibs that I ever gave out to friends. These kiddos are now all around 3 years old, which absolutely blows my mind! And actually, when I pulled these up, I was having a hard time remembering who I gave what! This one here went to my friend Stacey's little boy. Stacey and I knew each other through church back when I was in high school, and reconnected shortly before she had the baby.

This one went to my good friend Caroline's little boy. I'm pretty sure. I'm second-guessing myself, so Caroline, if I'm wrong, I'm sorry!!! I really liked this particular pattern! :) Caroline and I met at TCC, and clicked immediately. She was actually a bridesmaid in my wedding and made our cakes! I just gave her a second bib, as well as a washcloth, for the little girl that will very soon be joining the family! Unfortunately, that set is one I had to photograph with my film camera, and the roll hasn't been developed yet. :( However, she was just telling me the other day how special these gifts were to her, and seriously, I almost cried! (And before you even start, that had nothing to do with any extra hormones!!)

This set is actually a bib (on the left) and I guess what you'd call like a burp rag (on the right). I don't use these things yet, so I don't know what exactly you'd call it! Anyway, this set went to my friend Stephanie's little girl. Stephanie and I went to high school together.

This one was a more recent round of gifts. This one went to another good friend, and bridesmaid, Cori's little boy who is not quite a year old yet. This one was really fun for me, because I did the pattern myself. When Cori first found out, she nicknamed the baby "jelly bean." I thought it was super cute, and I looked forever and everywhere to find a cute pattern that had jelly beans in it! No such luck though. I found one on the internet that had a jar of jelly beans, and some loose ones, but wouldn't fit on the bib area. Well, about the time I found that and was debating how to alter it to make it work, Cori found out it was a boy and they settled on the name Konner. This solved my problem for me, and I immediately got to work designing this pattern for the little one!

I wish I had more pictures of the past bibs I have done. But for now this is all I have. I do have a few others in the works currently, as it seems these babies like to come in groups! :) I can think of two babies off the top of my head that I could be stitching for right now! But, I don't like to post pictures of ones that I haven't given. I feel like that kind of takes away from the surprise, if the mom I happen to give a bib to had seen the picture on my blog. I also think that when I can I will design more patterns of my own. I've done one other besides the jelly beans, but it's not even finished, so I don't want to share it yet. I really like designing the patterns. If I was a better artist, I probably would've looked for a career designing something! I'm sure most of you don't know that about me!

Anyway, that was a much happier blog post, and I know that several of you had shown some interest last time I posted about my cross-stitch. So, there we go, my favorite thing to cross-stitch! If any of you need to put in order in, I'm sure we could do some negotiating about that!

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