Monday, May 3, 2010

A Catch-all Catch-up's been awhile since I blogged. Life kinda picked me up, whirled me around, got me all confused, and then threw me back down to fend for myself. I wanted to write a quick blog before we hit the road for a whirlwind trip out of town, but couldn't really settle on a specific topic. So I decided to do a sort of life update, summary style. Some of what's happened in the last month I'll fill you in on, and some of that whirling and throwing life did I'll leave out for now.

Went to EMS ISD's job fair. Did a screener interview, and then was told by just about every principal that things were still up in the air due to the elementary campus being added for the next school year (rezoning and transferring).

Turned 24. Feels absolutely no different. Except maybe a little more pressure to get things together.

Been having a lot of fun and getting some really awesome results at church. I'm really enjoying serving and helping get this off the ground.

Been working my butt off at Payless. Which is really impressing my boss. Still haven't decided if that's good or bad. Sure, it's good to be in good with the boss, and a raise would be helpful. But this is not exactly in line with my career goals.

Went to another job fair today. It was absolute chaos, and felt like cattle herding. Really not very encouraging. Most districts were hardly even talking to people, and the ones that were, were taking way too much time per person. This whole job hunting thing is really driving me nuts. I seriously need a magic wand.

Well, that is the last month in a really small nutshell. We are hitting the road for Georgetown any minute. Then from there, tomorrow morning we are heading to Cuero for a funeral service for my great-aunt. She was my grandfather's older sister. This news wasn't necessarily a surprise, but it's still a rough time. Anyway, we'll be in Cuero for probably most of the day, then head back home late tomorrow night. Not exactly ideal, but it needs to be done. So, I'm signing off for now so I can be ready to leave. I really will try to find something interesting to blog about soon. Maybe I can finish and develop my most recent roll of film and post some about my very small dabbling in photography.

1 comment:

  1. Hey Brittany, i'm so sorry to hear about your great aunt. If there's anything I can do for you let me know. I love you and miss you soooooooo etc. much. God bless sweetie.
