Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Bragging on my nephews!

Because they're just so darn cute!!

I have two wonderful nephews that I love very much. They both had birthdays in December. I don't have anything super exciting to write about at the moment, and my day was kinda negative. So, instead of sharing the negative, I thought I'd be positive and share the cuteness. Since I don't have my own kids to show off yet, I hope my brother-in-law and sister-in-law won't mind me borrowing theirs to show off!

Conner is two. He got a tent for his birthday!

Alex is one. We got to go to his party!

Ok, that's all I'm gonna post for tonight. Tomorrow I'm thinking maybe sharing some of the calendars that I made for my sisters-in-law for Christmas. Sound good? Ok, I thought so, too. See ya then!

1 comment:

  1. Your nephews are adorable! Of course, as aunt of said nephews, I hardly needed to tell you that. :)
