Sunday, January 10, 2010

Hokay, so...

Here's da Earth. Dang, that is a sweet Earth you might say! Wroaeng!!

Alright, so I have this problem. When I have serious things that I'm supposed to be thinking about, I try not to. I know, completely weird for a logical person like myself. And I'm sure my husband would tell you I'm lying because I am always trying to get him to discuss thoughts and feelings about serious things. But that's different. Because he's not inside my head, so if I don't talk to him, he doesn't know all the craziness that is within my head. But left on my own, my thoughts tend to overwhelm me. And all that craziness inside my head, just keeps fueling itself to get more and more crazy. And then I tend to try to avoid sorting through it all because it just rolls around in my head becoming a more and more overwhelming chaotic mess. Which is why I spent the entire late afternoon/evening playing Bejeweled Blitz on Facebook. A complete and total waste of my time. Sure, I could have worked on my cross-stitch project, or researched family history, or blogged about the craziness in my head, or taken a pile of boxes to the storage unit, or any number of other productive things. But no, I played games. Because I didn't want to have to think about it.

I am considering the slight possibility that I may be looking into getting my master's at TCU. Maybe. Yeah, that's all for now, because now that it's 11:15, I just don't feel like getting into it tonight. So that's all you get out of me at the moment. And on the off chance that my brain doesn't explode from all the craziness, maybe I'll be able to elaborate at some point.

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