Friday, July 9, 2010

Here we go again....

Well, I can now officially tell everyone that we are moving yet again. And just in case you're not aware, I hate moving! Absolutely hate it. But that is the plan. Twila, on the other hand, doesn't mind the packing and moving. Until you get her in the car that is. I'll try to get a video of that to share that fun with you later.

Ok, so details. We are moving back to the Austin/Round Rock area. Some of you probably already had some inklings of this because I had mentioned that I was putting applications in down there. In fact, I have applications out in the areas of Fort Worth, Waco, Austin, and even San Marcos. But back to the point. We have been living here in Fort Worth for a year and three months now, and I have had no leads on a job whatsoever, and we are barely making it. I have been to every job fair I could manage, I have applied to every district within an hour radius, and I tried to sub in two of the best districts in the area (which also happen to be the closest). And I think I had a total of maybe five sub jobs from November to May. No joke. That is how flooded with teachers DFW is. In fact, I have a coworkers at my part time, second job that is looking for a job in the same area I am. She has ESL and SPED certifications and experience, and no one is calling her either. So, it's time for a new plan. And that plan is, try somewhere else. And that somewhere else is going to be Round Rock. We decided that since I know teachers there, I may have a better chance of getting into a district. However, we have no delusions about me getting an offer of a contract. So the back up plan, assuming I don't get an offer, is for me to sub in Round Rock, Pflugerville, and Leander, since I know teachers in all three districts and have subbed before in both RRISD and LISD. So, if you teach in one of those districts, keep me in mind, and when I'm officially on the lists, I'll be sure to let everyone know. We also hopefully will both be transferring with our current part time jobs, so that we at least have something.

Of course, there are some downsides to this move, as always (besides the obvious having to move all our crap again).
1. We will still be mooching, at least for a little while. We will be staying with James' parents, at least until we figure out what our income will be. I guess it's only fair though. I mean James has been living with his in-laws for 10 months now, so now it's only fair that I put in some time living with mine. :)
2. Twila will have to spend all of her time in our bedroom, away from the cats with claws that know how to fight and are quite a bit bigger than she is.
3. We have to leave all our friends in Fort Worth.
4. I have to listen to Twila whine about being in the car for three and a half hours.
5. James has to drive a U-Haul.
6. No more Rangers games.
7. Dead. Animals.

But I am trying to focus on the upsides to all of this, which I'll mention in no particular order (and these aren't meant to be offensive to my dad or brother, who both read this).
1. A bigger bathroom! With a bathtub! And real counters!
2. We get to see James' family and my grandma a lot more often.
3. We will get to play with Timber and Sardis on a regular basis.
4. We will most likely get to play our Wii more often.
5. I can maybe find some more info to help find James' ancestors in all of his parents' stuff.
6. It will pretty much be like we're moving home again, which won't be all that bad.
7. We'll be close to civilization again!!
8. We get good food back--Hoody's, Mr. Gatti's, Pok-E-Joe's, Fish City Grill, etc. And that also means, we will have more options for pizza delivery than just Mr. Jim's.

Ok, I may have more to add to those, but for now I am tired, still not feeling 100%, and I have to open the store in the morning. But, I get to go see the Rangers tomorrow night and I am so excited to get one last game before we leave!

1 comment:

  1. Not. Happy. But I guess we're leaving at the end of August anyway. I'd just been counting on being able to see you when we came back to TX for visits. Pooey. Good luck! I really hope you find something. :)
